Aethereal is a alternate world nation rp based around geopolitics. We are looking for both new and experienced role players that are interested in joining us.

  Aethereal is a realistic alternate world that takes place in the modern day, with are own custom realistic map and many current and past situations for people to interact and play out in.
 We also have dedicated staff and members willing to help anyone in need whatever it be.

All types of nations and ideologies are allowed in Aethereal, whenever you want to be a communist dictatorship, neoliberal dream state,a corrupt military junta, an isolate lone state, a failing democracy, or a rising nation tyring to spread a new ideology, Aethereal is the place for you then as we allow all of these and more in are community and welcome you to join us.

We currently are short staffed and low on members so things currently are a little slow and new players help us bring life back to the server so pls take up are offer and join.

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