Collecting emojis and stickers related to Homestuck for folks with Discord Nitro or users of the Not Quite Nitro bot! Features: All plurals welcomed Channel where you can vote what emojis/stickers get added next A bot that lets you use the emojis in any server - even the animated ones Exclusive channel for people who upvoted or boost the server

⚠️ Please note⚠️ Please do not join this server if you are… an exclusionist/bigot (yes, this includes being anti endo or anti mspec gay), proship or supporter, radqueer, sui baiter, defend emoji thieves like the Cute Hangout servers, or excuse ignoring DNIs to reblog emojis! ("But why can't I join?" Check: ! ⚠️ Note: attempting to start discourse about this is an instant ban! We will not reply, respect boundaries. ⚠️)

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