#DailyInspiration #IAMSIGNAL #Day1 “Do not go quietly into the night. Be Courageous in all that you do. Lead by Example. If the world has brought misery into your life, find peace in that misery. Some days your pain, suffering and grief will seem insurmountable. You will fall, you will cry, you will lose. Some days you will feel your life is unimportant. Forget those negative thoughts, the world needs you. Find that mission, that purpose and live it. Bring the utmost passion to all your endeavors, live gracefully and be who you know you are. Never give up, never give in. Fall down, get up continue to learn from past mistakes. When all hope appears lost, Find some wherever you can. Never ever give up, fight smart and pick your battles wisely. Stand up for your beliefs without dishonoring your country. Be the change Be the mentor. Be the Light in the Dark. Always honor your Family and your beliefs. Trust your Intuition, it will lead you through rain or shine. Carelessly forgive your enemies, without forgetting their misdeeds. Create Peace out of War. No matter what the odds, fight like you are the champion. Find peace in all that you do. Protect your Honor with all your Life, weave that Honor in to all that you do. Do not let your suffering and misery define you. Define yourself. Always and Forever be eternally Grateful in all that you do. Find solace and peace in the Rain. #964v #345i Executive Rule