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ଘ STELLAR ✧・゚ ✧ ̊ ˖ ? ? ˖ ˙ ⊹ ˚ ˳ ॱ ˖ ̊ ੭
hihi friends :o we're here to discuss and play genshin! so come join us !!
✧ S E R V E R :
・pretty decor c:
・self roles
・genshin emotes
・updates & codes
・co-op pings
・katheryne & paimon bots
・mudae bot
・confession bot
・art & food channels
✧ C O M M U N I T Y :
・experienced owner! (i'd say :o)
・pretty diverse !!
・daily vc
・very open to new friends
・we play a variety of other stuff too!
join us and get kissed immediately ̊ ˖ ?
・we are not looking to partner
・we do not allow theme/decor stealing