Irony Wiki is a wiki dedicated to archiving and saving the long history of "Irony Discord Servers", Discord servers related to "meme culture" oriented communities. Whenever it's Dogelore, Peternity or any other Irony Server, You are free to contribute anything you'd like!

Getting Started To get started with editing, create an account on the wiki by simply creating an account(optional), you can also visit the Discord Server for Appeals / Organization for any help, also, remember to follow the Irony Wiki Guidelines! ** Into "Irony Server" Culture, and The Hemosphere** Irony servers are a unique family of Discord Servers, originally originating from the official servers of the r/CringeAnarchy and r/DeepFriedMemes subreddits, the entirety of the Irony Hemosphere has nowadays grown into something very large, with hundreds of now inexistant and existant and alive communities related to those two servers atleast in some form or another. (Look at the Irony Server Tree)

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