PG-13true storiesgreek mythgilgameshparanormal experiencealien encountershistorical researchmonster encountersbigfoot encountersegyptian historyarcheological researchgiants in historygiant encountersencounters of the third kindclose encountersmud fossilsancient textsbiblechurchjesus
Brand new server created on Jaunuary 11th, 2021. Our server is designed because the world is full of creepy, unexplained mysteries and history. It always has been and always will be. So we've created a community to discuss these experiences and unlock what the Bible says about these horrifying experiences.
We welcome everyone, but please keep in mind we believe the solution is Jesus. Since we have a relationship with Jesus we recognize we need relationships with others and even sometimes need professional help.
You'll find our friendly lounge to hang out, cryptids chats, myths, monsters, aliens, cognitive dissonance, fun bots, and so much more. Join us today!