
Welcome to Stairway to heaven!.

We welcome you with a big hug and we hope you'll enjoy your stay!. In the server, we have many features like:

Self-roles! Music bot! Akinator bot! Pokemon! many Voice chats and music channels for your music! Active friendly staff team! And etc... Β°β€Λœ.β€’Β°β€ΛœΒ°β€Λœ.β€’Β°β€ΛœΒ°β€Λœ.β€’Β°β€ΛœΒ°β€Λœ.β€’Β°β€ΛœΒ°β€Λœ.β€’Β°β€ΛœΒ°β€Λœ.β€’Β°β€Λœ

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