Welcome to the Baby Fountain!

Our server is an age 16-30 safe space for littles and CGs! We also have roles for those who are just supportive! We pride ourselves on our friendly staff team, fun server activities and our outstanding members!

  • Safe space for littles and CGs!

  • Ages 16-30 server! Lying about your age is not okay.

  • Purely SFW!

  • Fun, friendly staff team who always work for the betterment of the server

  • Chats for both littles and CGs! And of course for both at the same time ;3

  • Fun, interactive bots

  • 45+ self assignable roles! Includes pronouns, age, little age, relationship status and more!

  • Channels for showcasing art, little gear, selfies, etc!

  • Server events! Karaoke nights, movie nights, competitions!

  • Homework, and other fun activities!

  • Economy bot with a store! Earn money through homework, winning events, and other things!

Come join us! We will all be super happy to see you. Please read our rules when you join, they are very important for the safety of everyone in our community. The safety of everyone is our number one priority.

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