- Shadowrun
- Rpg
- Tabletop
cyberpunktabletopttrpgrpgroleplayingroleplayrppen and paperliving worldliving communitylcwest marcheswestmarchscififantasyurban fantasymagicshadowrun
Out of shadows, shining ever-bright...
**Neon Nights **is a new Shadowrun "5.5e" server with a timeline roughly following canon events, including those of SR6. In the Shadows of the 2080s Seattle Free State; you'll want to be sure to shoot straight, conserve ammo, and never make a deal with a dragon... because omae, everything has a price.
“Old-ish School Shadowrun” We use a modified priority table influenced by older editions of Shadowrun and blend some house rules with Missions FAQ rules to create a unique LC, for those who want a more canon Shadowrun experience. With tempered power levels and the Run & Gun rules for more deadly combat; you might be here for a good time, not a long time.