A chill server with a friendly and fun atmosphere.
• We believe in self moderation but we have 24/7 staff to deal with real trouble makers.
• We offer auto roles to help identify what people are interested in to help getting to know new people easier.
• We have plenty of space to fit many people while also maintaining a calm place to go to when there is too much going on.
• We offer adult and non-adult sections for easy dating and entertainment.
So stop on by, grab a drink, stay awhile and listen!
Secret codes! [Type these in chat for special rewards!]
• Deepspacealien = [Gender] Alien (Vanity role)
• FuckinNarnia = [Location] MagicLand (Vanity role)
• I'vereadthething = [Special] Open mic (no push to talk required)
Super secret codes! [Type these in chat for special rewards!]
If you say the banned phrase from VampireFreaks.com Then you'll get the Vampire Freaks Role and access to the Vampire Freaks Channel! (Hint: The owner was a scumbag)