CRNS | Corinthians Clan - #WeAreCorinthians | Lighting the way to victory
GREEK: H Ομάδα μας Ιδρύθηκε στης 6 Ιουνίου του 2015 στην πανέμορφη πόλη της Ελλάδος, την Κόρινθο, Η πόλη του Πήγασου! Η Corinthians Clan είναι Ομάδα Ηλεκτρονικών Παιχνιδιών(Gaming Team) με Μέλη απο όλοι την Ελλάδα. Η Corinthians Ιδρύθηκε με σκοπο να ενώσει τους Gamers, και να παίζουνε μαζί σαν παρέα σαν μια οικογένεια τα αγαπημένα τους παιχνίδια.
English: The Team was created at 6 June 2015 at the beautiful city of Greece, Cornithos, The city of Pegasus! The Corinthians Clan is a gaming team (Gaming Team) with members from all Greece and Cyprus. The Corinthians was founded with purpose to bring the gamers together and play the games as a friends, like a family, the favorite games
?️Corinthians Clan has 6 Participation in eSport Events and 10 Participation in Clan Wars
? 25 Participation on International Convoys
? Corinthians Clan is the Official Organizer of Greek Convoy
?eSports: LoL, Apex, CSGO, DBD, RL
?Clan: TESO, TruckersMP, DayZ, GTA:O
? Private Rooms for Streamers
? Public Rooms for Community
? Community Tournaments LOL and DBD and CSGO and more
?? Streamers and Users support!
❈ eSport Team and Streaming Team and Gaming Team
? Website: https://crns.nikellas.gr/