3rd SFOD is an elite milsim unit for Arma Reforger, embodying the spirit and prowess of the renowned US Army SF. We emphasize authentic operations, teamwork, and military precision.

Our commitment to excellence is evident in our main Operations, where members engage in intense, immersive missions that push the boundaries of teamwork and skill. The remaining days of the week are dedicated to recruitment efforts, comprehensive training sessions, and engaging in a variety of fun operations that keep our members sharp and entertained.

Prospective members must be 16 years of age or older, possess a PC/XBOX capable of running Arma Reforger, complete a simple application form on our Discord, and you will be slottet to Green Team for a few weeks. We uphold the highest standards of professionalism, teamwork, and authenticity, fostering an environment where members can thrive and excel in their roles.

Join 3rd SFOD-A and become part of an elite force dedicated to excellence in all aspects of all types of SF operations.

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