A world very familiar to our own, yet so much is different. The fantastical has become a reality as Dungeons, strange pocket dimensions existing past structures of importance, have opened up to humanity. Within these are Monsters. Not to be confused with Magical Creatures, Monsters are people of magical origin.
A decade ago, world leaders made the Dungeons public. The reason for that is something breaking the spell trapping Monsters within Dungeons. The "Boss" of the largest Dungeon, Tempest Mount City, began running a settlement nearby making peace with humanity or, as Monsters call them, Simplefolk.
Many Monsters still choose to live in Dungeons even now with the freedom to leave. Without the fear of overpopulation or resource depletion, they are thriving.
After Dungeons became common knowledge, something happened that created new Dungeons. These places are called Chasms. A dark entryway that appears and disappears at random, leading to distorted realms where Demons live. Demons range in intelligence and sentience, but all have powers beyond even the strongest Monsters. Sometimes strange phenomena occur within Chasms that defy laws even magic can't break.
Monsters' freedom must have ties to Chasms appearing, but no one can prove it. A Demon who appeared near the first documented Chasm can close Chasms, but insists he is a man named Damian Grimsley.
According to archivists in the country of Nordia where the entrance to Tempest Mount City is located, Damian Grimsley is a fictional character from a centuries-old story in which he is the long-dead father of two characters, but never mentioned in the story itself until the final published chapter. The story remains unfinished.