Mock GovMock Governmentmock govNation RPPoliticalDebateGovernment RPAndorraChristianAnti PedophileAnti MAPAnti Zoo
〖▬▬▬▬▬▬〚??〛 Viva Andorra!〚??〛▬▬▬▬▬▬〗
【??】Welcome to the Co-Principality of Andorra! We have plenty of stuff to offer to you so you can join us to grow and cooperate to build a great Andorra!【??】
➣ Positions!
『?️』Mockgovernment, this server is a mockgov, where you can participate in the elections. become the judge of the court, enlisting in the military, being part of the ministry, being a part of the Parliament, enlisting for police, etc!
➣ A functional democracy
『?? We have elections! You can run for Prime Minister, Become a minister, Run for Parliament, Create your own party, and more!
➣ Military!
『? 』Enlist in the military! Where you get to participate in special operations and combats agaisnt Shotacon, Pedophile servers.. etc.
➣ Diplomacy!
『?️』We are open to every partnership and diplomacy to every server, so feel free to contact the Minister of Foreign Affairs or the Prime Minister for it!
➣ Events!
『?』Events! Like Games, QOTD, and other interactve fun activities where you entertain yourself, so inmerse in the fun!
➣ Discrimination not welcome!
『?️?』We are agaisnt the discrimination towards individuals or groups, so we assure you safety! Anyone whose attempt is to discriminate somebody, action will be taken.
『?』Invite: 『? 』Ping: @everyone
『? 』Media: