- Teenagers
- Chill
- Memes
Welcome to Juice Box! Juice Box is an amazing server for teens to talk, meet other teens and chill in general! We have unique channels and roles that we're sure you'll enjoy, as well as awesome staff that will support you throughout!
We regularly host VC, game and movie nights, and, let me tell you, they're hilarious! That's another perk; we're really funny (trust me) and sure to make you laugh! There's always a lot of screaming, inside jokes and laughing in VC (another reason to join)!
We have awesome bots, like a really stupid but fun anonymous confession bot (god, you should see the confessions there.) and cool, really unique channels like a lyrics channel, where you can spam lyrics stuck in your head to your heart's content! We also have a counting channel and we're really fast at counting (so it's never a dull moment), ANOTHER REASON TO JOIN! (And we're really cool c'mon HELL YEAH)
Join now, because, let me tell you, you'll gain lifelong friendships, a place to chill and constant fun (and, you will never regret joining it! It'll be the best decision you'll ever make! Just ask our members)
Honorable mentions: Lovely (the best Polish translator 100%) - "Joining this server was literally the best decision I could make" Pingu - "Real"
Stupid quotes from the server: Pingu - "shibidy shibidy shibidy i speak the arabic" Viibrra - "We know how to fix things... maybe not my parents marriage but" Pingu - "its now cannon that pingu is very rich and is avoiding taxes and is a gambling-addicted"