January 20, 2026. One year since the second inauguration of Donald Trump

Before his presidency even began, protests sparked across the nation, calling for action against clear fraud and interference. And while unproven, a coalition of Democratic and anti-Trump Republican politicans filed a joint motion to overturn the result via democratic means in Congress. However, despite their best efforts, the pro-Trump majorities in the House and Supreme Court fought hard against these efforts, leaving many Americans feeling as though these efforts had fallen in front of the nation

Radicalization amongst the center and left grew drastically, as the nationwide protests only continued to grow as now-President Trump formally organized efforts for an invasion of Greenland. These protests would peak on Febuary 5, which would see an organized mass rally across each state capital, spearheaded by one right on the White House. But as the crowd grew in numbers, so too did police and counter-protesters. It isnt known who fired the first shot, but what has since been called the "Democrat January 6” was marked blood on the lawn of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

This would be the final straw, as the Anti-Trump coalition would walk out of Congress, declaring the Trump administration as an illegal and dictatorial entity. One by one, Democrat governors would recongize Joseph Biden as the legal President, pushing the nation into civil war. And as the rival governments began to fight, they would throw all they had at one another, which would include 80 years worth of WMDs of all shapes and sizes, including many only kept in secret away from the international community. And as what little remains of American society collapsed in on itself, new factions rose from the ashes. Those who dare to survive in the newly-dubbed "American Exclusion Zone" have marked their claims across these ruined lands. And now, so can you

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