This is “Past RP: Whispering Old Forest”. In the whispering rp server collection:
Lore: Moutaincats, Rogues and Kittypets came together long ago. In the prophesied territory; a territory at the end of the Sun Trail. A territory of River, Moor, Oak and Pine forests and the Great Four Oaks overseeing it all. And the cats gathered and settled under the reign of the greatest of them all - Riverstar; Skystar; Shadowstar; Thunderstar; Windstar -. Starclan was born and cats of many homes became cats of clans. They grew and prospered; were born and forgotten and the clans became something of tradition and pride, till cats no longer remembered being of mountain; kittypet; rogue. Five clans live in the territory chosen so long ago and they will continue growing
((The RP is set between Dawn of the Clans and The Prophecies Begin. So Windclan still tunnels and Skyclan is still in the old territory. Firestar will not be born for a long long time))