Avatar: the last AirbenderATLARoleplayingWritingTLOKLiterateSemi literateThe legend of Korracommunity
We know the story. How the Firelord waged a war against the world, unopposed, until the avatar rose to stop them.
But what if it was different?
What if the fire nation, couldn't hold an entire continent? It's supply lines stretched thin by the vast continent and ravaged by civilian resistance and guerilla tactics?
What if the Northern water tribe, spurred on by raids against the south and the earth kingdoms pleas for help, joined the war early? What If boats of southern and northern benders alike disrupted the navy the fire nation prided itself on?
What If neither of that could fully neutralize the the technological and tactical advantage the fire nation enjoyed, resulting in a bloody stalemate and then a treaty, that failed to defang the fire nation and allowed it to keep it's colonies, while stopping short of total fire nation domination, spitting in the face of every fire nation soldier who fought and died, and a nationalistic populace who feels it is their divine right to dominate the world? That failed to punish the fire nation adequately in the eyes of earth kingdom and water tribe citizens alike?
This is the world of avatar: blood in the waves. And with no avatar in sight, it's up to you to decide the fate of the four nations...
Welcome to avatar: blood in the waves! We are an up and coming semi-literate to literate ATLA Roleplay server.
We have:
-a multitude of special roles, such as the Firelord or Earth King.
-Semi-lit to lit roleplay!
-a player influenced plot, you influence the course of the story.
-a number of sub elements undiscovered, meaning there's a chance your character will go down in history as the inventor of metal bending, lavabending, etc.
-creative freedom. You want to make a foggy swamp waterbender that goes around robbing people? Don't let me stop you.
We look forward to seeing you!