- Smp
- Minecraft
- Chill
communitycontent creationsmpvanillasurvivalminecrafthermitcraftyoutubemultiplayercalmactivewhitelistpublicwelcominghermitcraft likehermit-craft likehermit craft serverhermitcraft like serverhermit-craft like serverhermit craft like server
Bubble SMP is a hermitcraft-like server that strives to be a back to basic minecraft survival experience. We try to keep our server as vanilla as possible with a few quality of life changes. Our community is a kind and welcoming community with no toxicity tolerated and frequent events keeping players interested. We also try to bring back older and more enjoyable seasons of hermitcraft back with certain things like 1 diamond block for a plot in the shopping district, etc. We highly encourage and welcome smaller content creators to join with loads of possibilities to make new friends with the same passion as you and with a lot of content than your average smp. we only include a few data packs/mods improving the enjoyability of our server.
DATAPACKS Multiplayer Sleep, Fast Leaf Decay, More Mob Heads,
ALLOWED MODS Optifabric/Optifine, Litematica, Tweakaroo, Shulker Box tooltip, Sodium, HUD Utilities, Mod Menu,
We hope to see you applying soon with our new season starting in the very near future.