anunnakipaganismpolytheismanunnasumersumerianan's heavendivinityakkadakkadianbabylonbabylonianassyriaassyrianstarseedgodspagan
We're the An's Heaven server. A server dedicated for the Anunnaki gods and An's Heaven, the abode, the home, and the heaven of the Anunnaki gods. We are a server focused on the spiritual and divine side of the Anunnaki gods and of An's Heaven. We seek to to unite more people connected with the Anunnaki gods and with An's Heaven, as well as we are also open to people connected with other gods and heavens as long as they respect the Anunnaki gods and An's Heaven. If you want to learn about the Anunnaki gods and An's Heaven, or just talk about your connection and experiences with the Anunnaki gods and An's Heaven, or even just talk with people connected with the Anunnaki gods and with An's Heaven, you're free to join.
May the Anunnaki gods and An's Heaven be with you all ???