- Dayz
- Community
- Pve/Pvp
We would like to welcome you to our new small growing community to a new experience that is about to happen with experienced developers, We will be creating a place where everybody can have fun and enjoy whether you like the PvP or PvE side of things they'll always be something for everyone, So we would like to thank anyone that joins in advance and hope to see you looting around Deer Isle with us!
⦁ Base Building ⦁ Advanced Group system ⦁ Advanced Airdrops ⦁ Survival Missions ⦁ PvE with PvP Zones and full weekend PvP and Raiding ⦁ King of the hill ⦁ Advanced Airdrops ⦁ Vehicles Including Custom Vehicles, Boats and Helicopters ⦁ Full range of modded Weapons to choose from ⦁ Mod which enables grow, Package and sell of drugs ⦁ Banking System to store hard earned money ⦁ Keycarded bunker system with high tier loot ⦁ Custom PvP zones around the map for the battles ⦁ Discord Killfeed
And Much More Being Developed By The Day, Hope To See You Join Our Discord And View Our Updates To The server As We Push To Get This Going As Soon As Possible, Were Almost nearly at launch! https://discord.gg/fFXgxewEcF