? The Jam Jar is a chill place where we all enjoy spending out time and relaxing. We have many features including:

  • Thriving art community
  • Active counting game
  • Diversity
  • and more!

Thriving art community:

We have channels to post your own videos, play games, put your artworks, and listen to new songs from upcoming creators.

We encourage the arts and wish all to thrive here!

Active counting game:

With our server we have our pride and joy, our counting game! provided by counting bot, We all have built up high streaks and found a sense of commodity over this simple feature.


We are fully inclusive of people from anywhere, of any walk of life! We are a safe space for LGBTQIA+ with mods from within the community.


We have a fun channel to pretend your a cat! Allow yourself to quote starwars Discuss history! AND MORE!

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