WE ARE NOBLE. Though, we are also humble. We are not above all, but we keep our heads held high in the face on anything that may beat us down.


This is an UTPR Clan server! The origin and existence of this server is to give people the childhoods some of us may have had on Xbox cod. Joining clans, fighting because of two people may have had a disagreement on what Star Wars came first. Silly things like that are what make games entertaining, and I want to make a place like that exist on current games now. On a Roblox fighting game, and a good one at that!

These are my principles:

  1. DO NOT GET COCKY. Fight as you would with a true fighter, even if the opposition may throw hands like a child. Also, don’t be a dick even if you win against a toxic player. It feels worse if your nice to them afterwards anyway.

  2. NO TEAMING. If me, or ANYONE reports with PROOF that you have assisted in an unfair battle, you will be shamed and exiled, with little to no hope of redemption. Teaming on teamers counts too. Fighting fire with fire only leads to more destruction. Teach a lesson fairly, because if you do that, you’re only teaching them its what they do is powerful.

  3. TEACH. We help the future of our Nobles by sharing information about techniques and combos. If you have valuable information, do share.

  4. RUDENESS. We may lose some battles, but proper battle etiquette is to not give up, and admit when you are beaten. Plus, it’s kind of funny when you beat someone and they are mad to the point of targeting.


This server currently is 90% bots. Like, we are just picking off the ground. so! if you are here to stay, in a weeks time you will get an exclusive role (If you are active, of course.)! I hope to see you there.

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